A Sordid Affair – Ten minute Off The Wall Comedy With a Mime


It’s reporter Nona Vent’s lucky day (well actually..) Today she gets to do an interview. The interview is with a mime who is a member of an interplanetary organization who believe speech is outmoded. The interplanetary organization is also a terrorist organization (of sorts) who plan and are making a series of statements to prove their point (that we should forgo speech and speak only in mime). In reality they go to a crowded venue, reenact an explosion in mime and lay all over the place pretending to be disfigured body parts. Since the mime cannot (or won’t) speak, the journalist is forced to turn to a sound effects engineer who plays sound effects for the benefit of the audience. Things go awry when the mime shoots the sound engineer with a mimed gun and then guns down members of the audience. They all die dramatically (in mime). A very off the wall comedy with a mime.

(read full description below)



short off the wll comedy with a mime


It’s reporter Nona Vent’s lucky day (well actually..) Today she gets to do an interview. The interview is with a mime who is a member of an interplanetary organization who believe speech is outmoded. The interplanetary organization is also a terrorist organization (of sorts) who plan and are making a series of statements to prove their point (that we should forgo speech and speak only in mime). In reality they go to a crowded venue, reenact an explosion in mime and lay all over the place pretending to be disfigured body parts. Since the mime cannot (or won’t) speak, the journalist is forced to turn to a sound effects engineer who plays sound effects for the benefit of the audience. Things go awry when the mime shoots the sound engineer with a mimed gun and then guns down members of the audience. They all die dramatically (in mime). A very off the wall comedy with a mime.

Other comedies by Robert Luxford

Cash for Christ – Satire about Religion
All a Twitter – comedy about people on their phones
Tea for Terror – comedy about the dangers of tea addiction

Author: Robert Luxford

Type: One act play

Genre: Comedy sketch, off the wall comedy with a mime

Length: Ten Minutes

Cast: 3, 1F 2N

Ages of the actors: Any age

Suitable for: All ages

Set: Black box stage – the set of an interview

Level of difficulty: 7/10 – this piece can be very funny if the right sound effects are used and fit well with the actions of the mime. The reporter should also be very dry, in contrast to the antics of the mime and the sound effects

Read a Sample of the Script

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Contact Off The Wall Plays with any Queries about A Sordid Affair

Copyright © March 2022 Robert Luxford and Off The Wall Play Publishers

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