Goddle – Science-fiction one act comedy script


In the not too distant future two earthlings crash land on a planet remarkably similar to Earth. They learn from two natives that the planet, Goddle, is inhabited by a race similar to humans but more developed due to the existence of a substance called Goddlemite. Goddlemite allows the inhabitants of Goddle to communicate telepathically by channelling their thoughts. The unwelcome intrusion by the Goddlians into the minds of the Earthlings leads to much confusion and romantic innuendo, eventually leading to animosity between the Earthlings and Goddlians in this science fiction one act comedy.

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science fiction one act comedy


In the not too distant future two earthlings crash land on a planet remarkably similar to Earth. They learn from two natives that the planet, Goddle, is inhabited by a race similar to humans but more developed due to the existence of a substance called Goddlemite. Goddlemite allows the inhabitants of Goddle to communicate telepathically by channelling their thoughts. The unwelcome intrusion by the Goddlians into the minds of the Earthlings leads to much confusion and romantic innuendo, eventually leading to animosity between the Earthlings and Goddlians in this science fiction one act comedy.

However, the Earthlings learn that Goddlemite can also be used as a power source for their crashed space ship and they hatch a plan to steal Goddlemite so they can return to Earth. Without the power of Goddlemite to read each other’s mind the Goddlians struggle with the need to speak to each other but eventually manage to make their feelings known. When the Goddlians confront the Earthlings about the theft of the Goddlemite, they come to realise that they don’t need the power to read each others’ minds. The Earthlings are able to depart with the power source they need and the Goddlians must learn to cope with the new communication method that involves talking.

Read about playwright Revelly Robinson.
Other plays by Revelly Robinson.

Author: Revelly Robinson

Genre: Sci-fi comedy script

Type: One act play

Cast: Four, 4, 2M 2F

Ages of the Actors:  20s-40s

Suitable for: All ages

Length: Forty Minutes, 40 min

Set:   The crash site of a spaceship. The door of the spaceship should open and it should be jungle where it crashed. A second scene takes place in which there is a raised black podium.

Level of Difficulty:  7/10 – interactions between characters

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Contact Off The Wall Plays with any queries about Goddle

Copyright April 2014 Revelly Robinson and Off The Wall Plays Publishers

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