Undressed – Monologue about being a Stripper


Nobody chooses to be a stripper or hooker. In most cases, girls (or guys) end up doing it because they’re trying to make ends meet. But they all have their big dreams. In Zoey’s case, she writes music and is just waiting for her big break. In this monologue about being a stripper cum hooker, Zoey is determined to make enough money this New Years so she volunteers to work on the day that nobody really wants to be working. The bar is eerily quiet, and the only customer is a bald man none of the girls want but who they are all determined to get some money out of. Then Zoey sees him – sitting at the end of the bar. He gorgeous and a music producer as well.

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monogue about being a stripper


Nobody chooses to be a stripper or hooker. In most cases, girls (or guys) end up doing it because they’re trying to make ends meet. But they all have their big dreams. In Zoey’s case, she writes music and is just waiting for her big break. In this monologue about being a stripper cum hooker, Zoey is determined to make enough money this New Years so she volunteers to work on the day that nobody really wants to be working. The bar is eerily quiet, and the only customer is a bald man none of the girls want but who they are all determined to get some money out of. Then Zoey sees him – sitting at the end of the bar. He gorgeous and a music producer as well.

But what will happen. Will Zoey finally realise her dream or get her heart broken?

Read other female monologues by Macee Binns – Static – a short comedy monologue for a female about working out.

Author: Macee Binns

Type: Monologue about being a stripper

Genre: Drama

Length: Ten minutes

Cast: 1F

Ages of the actor: Twenties to forties

Set: An empty club on New Year’s Eve. A bar table and two chairs are
set on the stage.

Level of difficulty: 7/10 – characterization – the exhausted and exploited yet beautiful look.

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Contact Off the Wall Plays with any queries about Undressed

Copyright © December 2017 Macee Binns and Off The Wall Play Publishers

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