A drama about a man named Kevin who was in a car accident, suffered major head trauma and is subsequently in a coma. The play opens and he finds himself in an empty room with a single chair with a sign on it that says “Do Not Sit.” Kevin can hear everything that is happening in the world around him. Throughout the play, Kevin has the choice to come out of his coma, but has to come to terms with shocking revelations revealed throughout the play in order to do this.
Author: Damien Darr
Characters: 5M, 1 F
Length: 45 minutes, One Act Play
Genre: Drama
Difficulty: 7/10 ( Giving convincing dramatic performances that aren’t over the top)
Suitable for: All ages
Age of Performers: 1 child actor, rest adult to middle age.
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Contact Off the Wall Plays with any queries about An Empty Chair
Copyright © July 2011 Damien Darr and Off The Wall Play Publishers
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