GREAT LAND – A JOURNEY OF DISCOVERY – a two act drama romance
It’s the summer of 1977 in Chicago, USA. Renata, who works at the local bar, coerces one of the regulars, Nicky into taking Danny, a disabled kid who works at the local bar as well and who is a die hard Elvis fan, to Graceland to meet the King himself. The play follows their journey from Chicago down to Graceland and their subsequent discovery that Elvis has recently passed away before Danny could meet him. They find that, although they did not get to meet The King, they have learned a lot more about themselves and each other along the way.
There is some text-based workshopping of the script allowed. Any changes need to be approved by the author and no one – at any time – can claim authorship or ownership of the work.
Author: Paul Barile
Genre: Epic, drama romance
Type: Two act play
Length: 90-100 minutes
Number of Actors: Eleven, 11. 6-8M (two doubles) 3F
Ages of the actors: Late twenties to early sixties. 20’s-60’s. The three main characters are in their 20’s-30’s
Set: The set is a collection of large gray wooden boxes that are moved into place to fit the scene. There are three barstools that can be placed as needed as well. There is a large easel upstage left. Whenever a character enters to begin a new scene, the sign on the easel denotes where they are.
Level of Difficulty: 7/10 – Because of few scene changes and the conversational style of the play, keeping the interest of the audience is paramount.
Read a Sample of the Script
Cost is $5 for this digital play script
Contact Off The Wall Plays with any queries about Great Land
Copyright January 2014 Paul Barile and Off The Wall Plays
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