The Worst Law Firm in Merry Old England – Two Act British Farce


A merry two act British farce involving a bunch of senile, incompetent, drunken, dishonest lawyers, missing bank employees, and policemen seeking to circumvent the law. Add to this, a witch, a couple of conniving females, and a pair of criminals who may or may not be what they seem. At stake is a fraud of 1 million pounds but who was or were the perpetrator or perpetrators of the crime and where is the money? All of this presided over by a pompous ass of a judge.

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two act British farce


A merry two act British farce involving a bunch of senile, incompetent, drunken, dishonest lawyers, missing bank employees, and policemen seeking to circumvent the law. Add to this, a witch, a couple of conniving females, and a pair of criminals who may or may not be what they seem. At stake is a fraud of 1 million pounds but who was or were the perpetrator or perpetrators of the crime and where is the money? All of this presided over by a pompous ass of a judge.

Read about playwright Leon Kaye. Other comedies – More Pasta! by Leon Kaye

Author: Leon Kaye

Type:Two act British farce

Genre: Farce, two act comedy script, British

Cast: 7M, 4F – however, one of the females should be played by a man in a dress.

Ages of the actors: Adult

Suitable for: All ages to watch and teens up to perform

Length: 90 minutes

Set: A well-manicured cozy office. There are desks facing each other, one far stage left and one right. In front of each desk there is a chair for a client to sit. Far right there is a back door. Up stage there is a fireplace, a large picture window that looks onto the street, and the main entrance door, left. There is a painting of an elderly man hanging above the fireplace mantle.

Level of Difficulty: 7/10 – getting a farce right is an art to build it to a ridiculous climax

Read a Sample of the Script

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Contact Off The Wall Plays with any queries about the Worst Legal Firm in Merry Old England

Copyright © April 2018 Leon Kaye and Off the Wall Play Publishers

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