Hoods Forever – Superhero Versus Supervillain Adventure Comedy Script


Superheroes are real and all around you when you live in Tyler City. (Unfortunately that means Supervillains are too). Luckily the city is under the protection of The Alliance of Justice, a group of the most powerful heroes ever known…but unluckily an equally powerful group of supervillains known as The Pyramid have devised a plan to neutralize them and they almost get it right except……They don’t reckon on the two brand-new Alliance recruits, Kinetic and Rocket, being able to escape.  With very little experience but a lot of determination, it’s up to Kinetic and Rocket to rescue the rest of the Alliance of Justice and take down The Pyramid once and for all in this superhero versus supervillain adventure comedy script.

(read full description below)



Superhero Versus Supervillain Adventure Comedy Script


Superheroes are real and all around you when you live in Tyler City. (Unfortunately that means Supervillains are too…) Luckily the city is under the protection of The Alliance of Justice, a group of the most powerful heroes ever known…but unluckily an equally powerful group of supervillains known as The Pyramid have devised a plan to neutralize them and they almost get it right except……They don’t reckon on the two brand-new Alliance recruits, Kinetic and Rocket, being able to escape.  With very little experience but a lot of determination, it’s up to Kinetic and Rocket to rescue the rest of the Alliance of Justice and take down The Pyramid once and for all in this superhero versus supervillain adventure comedy script.

Fortunately Kinetic has a group of teenage superhero friends, known as The Hoods, who are just waiting for a chance to prove their worth. Hopefully saving the Alliance and Tyler City will show the Alliance that they’re worthy of becoming members…if they can just figure out how to defeat the most dangerous villains known to man.

Read some more Superhero plays by American playwright Brent Holland:

The Seven Suits – Funny Science Fiction Teen Play
The Confederation of Radically Altered people a.k.a. C.R.A.P. – superhero play and the prequel to this one!

Author: Brent Holland

Type: Two act play

Genre: Superhero, Adventure, Comedy, Superhero versus supervillain adventure comedy script

Length: 90 minutes

Cast: 8F 4M 9 N

Suitable for: All ages to watch and older primary school up to perform

Set: The streets of the city, the lair of THE PYRAMID

Level of Difficulty: 7/10 There is live action on stage and some special effects such as someone being lifted up may be needed.

Read a Sample of the Script

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Contact Off The Wall Plays with any queries about Hoods Forever

Copyright © May 2023 Brent Holland and Off The Wall Play Publishers

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Kate the Ultimate and Jane the Invincible – earth’s last inhabitants – funny superhero script
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Superhero versus supervillain adventure comedy script

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