Murder and a Show is the story of Eric, who is married to Aubrey, who is dumb as bricks, and Tom, who is married to Trixie, who thinks she knows everything about everything. These two neighbors have devised a plan to have both wives killed at Aubrey’s birthday party. Eric has hired a theater troupe to come perform a murder mystery dinner theater at their apartment, only what Aubrey and Trixie don’t know is that one of the actors is really an assassin there to kill them. Everything goes south when one of the actors turns out to be Eric’s mistress and one of the other actors winds up dead instead of the two wives. While the actors try to figure out who killed Jay, Eric and Tom try to figure out who didn’t kill their wives and why. And to make matters worse a nervous police officer shows up because of report of gunfire in the area. Tensions mount as everyone at the party scrambles to find the murderer while trying to convince the police that nothing is wrong.
This whodunit comedy show was produced and performed at Theatre 29 in Twentynine Palms, California in 2001 and was presented as a dinner theater experience. Read more about best selling playwright Mike Maxwell.
On Deck Players, Yuma, AZ, USA – 2017
Chugiak-Eagle River Senior Center, AK, USA – 2018
Woodbine High school, IA, USA – 2022
Diva LasVegas, NV, USA – 2022
Author: Mike Maxwell
Genre: Whodunit comedy
Type: One act play
Length: Sixty minutes
Number of Actors: Nine actors 9 (10) 5F, 4M
Ages of the actors: All adult, ages 20-60
Suitable for: All ages
Set: The William’s apartment. The front door is located stage left. There is a closet stage right. There are two bedrooms. One is upstage right and one is upstage left. There is a couch center stage. There is a counter and a mini-fridge located stage right, upstage of the closet. There is a phone on the counter.
Level of Difficulty: 7/10 – a play with fun, over the top characters
Read a Sample of the Script
Cost is $7.50 for this previously produced digital play. Just click Shakespeare!
Buy a performance license for Murder and a Show
Copyright March 2014 Mike Maxwell and Off The Wall Play Publishers
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