Mateo Falcone is a disturbing and provoking tale of inexorable justice. Some say that it is the saddest story in the world. A ten-year boy dishonors his family by committing a treason. The ten year old boy, Fortunato accepts a silver coin to hide Gianetto, an outlaw in their house. However, when an officer offers him a gold watch to reveal where he has hidden the outlaw, he takes it as well, revealing the hiding place of the villain. This classic story of Mateo Falcone as a play script takes a horrible turn when the boy’s father learns what he has done.
The wretched father, a proud Corsican highlander named Mateo Falcone, cannot but do what seems to him his duty. When Mateo arrives home and finds out what his son has done, he knows that the family’s honour has been destroyed. The only solution he can see to retrieve it is to kill his only son, after allowing him to say a final prayer for his soul. Fortunato’s distraught mother is not able to do anything to save the boy.
The original story was written by French author Prosper Merimée. It was first published in 1829 and has since been considered as one of the best short stories ever.
Other plays (Yvette – tale of a young Parisian beauty coming of age) by B.K. de Fabris
Author: B.K. de Fabris
Genre: Tragedy, drama, classic story of Mateo Falcone as a play script
Type: One act play
Cast: Cast of eight, 6M 1F 1 boy
Ages of the actors: 7 adults, one child
Suitable for: All ages (although subject may upset some younger viewers)
Length: Fifteen minutes
Set: A pile of hay close by a stone-wall. Some farming tools are scattered around the place.
Level of difficulty: Combining a sense of adventure in the beginning of the play with inevitable tragedy of a traditional society
Read a Sample of the Script
Contact Off The Wall plays with any queries about Mateo Falcone
Copyright © 2015 Fabris and Off The Wall Play Publishers
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