Tag Archives: plays 90 minutes cast 10

The Chronicles of Jack – Contemporary South African plays

Contemporary South African plays


In Johannesburg, anything can happen, everything can change and everyone knows it. Jackson ‘’Jack’’ Makhubo, a 23 year old resident of the Eastern Cape decides that he will not be attending initiation school in the mountains and that he’ll instead be embarking on his studies in drama at a university in Johannesburg. Unfortunately his mother then throws him out of their family home making it possibly the last memory of home he ever has.

In The Chronicles of Jack a boy becomes a man in a way he did not expect when he is thrown into the chaos of modern Johannesburg’s university life. Jack is robbed, attends a ‘Fees Must Fall’ rally that has him subsequently expelled and discovers the true identity of his father, who has largely been absent from the boy’s life, all within the space of a week. It’s a harsh introduction to the city but as his best friend Fezi lamented before he left, ‘’It leaves room for Jack to be a better man. ’’

It’s either you get Johannesburg, or it gets you.

Author: Mbasa Tsetsana

Type: One act play in 12 scenes

Genre: Contemporary South African plays

Cast: Mains: 2M 2F, total cast: 8M, 2F. The other roles are to be played by the chorus members of the cast.

Ages of the actors: 18 to adult

Suitable for: Older teens/adults up to perform and all ages to watch

Length: 75 – 90 minutes

Set: Various – The Eastern Cape, The University. It is at the director’s discretion and can easily be performed in a black box theatre setting.

Level of Difficulty: 7/10 – A longer play without an interval needs to keep the audience riveted

Read a Sample of the Script

Cost is $5.50 for this new digital play script

Contact Off The Wall Plays with any queries about The Chronicles of Jack

Copyright © December 2017 Mbasa Tsetsana and Off The Wall Play Publishers

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