Read all about it! Read all about it! A new island has been discovered slap bang in the middle of the sea between the USA and Russia (And let’s not forget Canada, of course) . The leaders of each powerful nation are there, vying for ownership of the island in this tongue in cheek political comedy script.
Now, in every doomed marriage there is a mediator, someone whose job it is to smooth things over, as it were. Russia and America hate one another, so his job isn’t going to be easy. Canada has come to the party too, but that wasn’t the mediator’s idea. And because it wasn’t his idea, it’s clear he isn’t going to let Canada have a say, even though he has loads of good ideas.
Now this poor mediator’s task is to get them to agree on something. As the testosterone levels in the room rise, both Russia and America are finally united in the idea that they will go to war with each other over this tiny patch of land and the mediator is finding it more and more difficult and is considering abandoning the whole thing and going for lunch instead.
Enter North Korea. He’s brought popcorn.
Lake Forest High School, IL, USA, -2021
Seton Hill University Theatre and Dance, PA – 2021
Read other plays by playwright Kate Cosette – A Tale of two balconies – a modern Romeo and Juliet Comedy
Author: Kate Cosette
Type: One act play
Genre: Political Comedy script
Cast: Cast of 5 Could be 4M 1F or a mix of 2-3 M and 2-3F
Ages of the actors: Teens up
Suitable for: All ages to watch, teens up to perform
Length: 15-20 minutes
Set: A conference room with a long, oval table
Level of difficulty: 7/10: Accents and nuances
Read a Sample of the Script
Cost is $7.50 for this new digital play script. Just Click Shakespeare!
Contact Off The Wall Plays with any Queries about Foreign Therapy
Copyright © 2019 Kate Cosette and Off The Wall Play Publishers
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