Once upon a time, there lived a typical self obsessed family – dad, Jim, now dead, Barbara, the mother, slightly alcoholic and Emma, their daughter, obsessed with film stars, and especially Meryl Streep, to the extent that she has gone into acting herself. A terrifying audition for Emma looms in the future, for a part in the latest Meryl Streep production. However, Emma is so frightened of the idea that she has made up her mind not to go. In this one act comedy, Emma is surprised by her dad, Jim’s apparent return from the dead on their living room couch. Jim’s purpose in returning from the dead is to get her to actually go to that audition. Linda, an invisible angel also joins forces with the other characters. In the end, one sees that, despite their glaring self obsessive behavior, they care about Emma’s future happiness.
Read more about author Jim Curtis.
Author: Jim Curtis
Genre: Short Comedy Plays, theatre of the absurd
Type: One act play
Length: Fifteen to twenty minutes
Number of Actors: Five, 2M, 3F
Ages of the actors: Two in their twenties, one thirties to forties F, one middle aged to older couple
Suitable for: All ages
Set: The living room of a typical upper middle class house
Level of Difficulty: The script appears nonsensical – making it understandable for the audience
Read a Sample of the Script
Cost is $8.00 for this digital play script. Just click Shakespeare!
Contact Off The Wall Plays with any queries about Meeting Meryl
Copyright November 2013 Jim Curtis Off The Wall Play Publishers
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